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  • Registrant : 桐生市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/11/09
  • Published : 2023/11/09
  • Changed :2023/11/09
  • Total View : 665 persons
2024/2/1 - 2024/3/31 / 桐生市 / Shopping

Kiryu Ekinaka Market

Kiryu Ekinaka Market will be held every Sunday.

The "Kiryu Ekinaka Market" is held every Sunday at the south exit of JR Kiryu Station, where fresh vegetables and specialties from various districts are sold. It is a Sunday morning bargain time where you can find seasonal vegetables and processed goods at reasonable prices. Please take advantage of this market.

In addition, we are always looking for businesses that would like to exhibit. If you wish to exhibit, please contact the Tourism Exchange Division.

Address 桐生市
Date 2024/2/1 - 2024/3/31
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